Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Panty Parade

© Guyspencer 2015
The Panty Parade

It was Monday morning at Sylvester Girl’s Academy, and time for the school’s weekly assembly.  Normally, Lisa would be among the first to enter the auditorium, proud to be seated in the very first row, which was reserved strictly for honor roll girls.  But today was different, much different!  Her stomach in turmoil and teary-eyed, Lisa instead knocked at the nurse’s office.

Last week, this fifteen year-old girl had been the top student in her class at Sylvester.  But the pressure of remaining on top had been too much for Lisa.  Normally learning new material was trivial for her.  But that last unit in her Biology class had been a challenge for her.  Unable to face the possibility of receiving below an “A” on a test, she had prepared a “cheat sheet” for herself.  Lisa was aware that other students routinely got away with cheat sheets, but as the class “goodie-goodie,” she didn’t know the tricks to avoiding discovery.

So Lisa’s fall from grace had been sudden and devastatingly complete!   

Her Biology teacher hadn’t made a scene when that terrible event happened last Friday.  Alerted by Lisa’s furtive manner, she had crept from behind and grabbed the cheat sheet and her test together.  Then she had whispered for Lisa to see her after class.

The scene after class would forever remain etched in Lisa’s mind.  She had tearfully begged for Ms Cumberland to “take care of the matter herself”.  Lisa had offered to return after school to accept whatever punishment her teacher thought fair.  Unfortunately, Ms Cumberland explained that the matter was out of her hands, cheating was on a short list of offenses that the Principal reserved to be handled only by himself.

So Ms Cumberland filled out a dreaded “referral” form, and instructed Lisa to take it directly to the Principal’s office.  Worse. The teacher sealed the test and the cheat sheet in an envelope and stapled the envelope to the form.  Five minutes later, a tearful Lisa handed the school secretary the form along with that terrible envelope and its incriminating contents.    

After the usual deliberately gut-crunching wait, Lisa was finally called into the presence of the great man.  There she stood and sobbed as he read the referral form and perused the contents of the envelope.  Then Lisa endured the worst scolding of her life.  She would forever remember the moment when he opened a ledger labeled  “Honor Roll” and dramatically struck out her name.

Suddenly Lisa was just another student, but a student with a severe punishment ahead of her!  Having always thought Lisa a model student, the Principal considered her cheating a very personal matter.   Worse, the Principal particularly hated cheating.  He considered it a symptom of a sort of moral cancer, so he worked to eliminate any trace of it from Sylvester Girl’s Academy!  

“You are lucky that this is Friday,” he bellowed, “because you only have three days to dread your punishment.”

Strangely, Sylvester girls feared the Principal’s hand more than his paddle.  He punished most offenders immediately with a few sobering strokes of a very normal school paddle applied over clothing.  The whole thing took only minutes.  The result was always a tearful sore-bottomed student who had likely learned a valuable lesson. 

But there was a far worse punishment reserved for repeated or severe offenders.  Officially called the “Punishment Queue”, it had been a tradition at Sylvester for generations.   Unofficially, that old tradition was known as the “Panty Parade”.  Following a humiliating public confession, the tradition involved a long bare-bottom trip across the Principal’s lap, usually in his office, but occasionally at assembly.  Regardless of the place of her spanking, the girl then spent the remainder of the school day without her skirt!
So, since cheating was always considered a severe offense at Sylvester, Lisa watched horrified as the Principal added her name to Monday morning’s “Punishment Queue” list.  Far worse, he added the dreaded “*” signifying that she would receive her punishment in front of the school assembly.

Naturally Lisa begged for immediate punishment, but the man wasn’t moved.  He restricted her to campus, and announced that he would notify her parents forthwith.  His only concession was that she could keep her private “valedictorian’s” bedroom for the weekend.  After that, she must move into the dorm with her class to make way for a new valedictorian.   Then he coldly dismissed her, but not before he reminded her to report to the nurse’s office Monday morning for Punishment Queue.   


So that’s why Lisa reported to the nurse’s office that morning.  By tradition, she had donned her best school uniform.  The Sylvester uniform featured a light blue top with a red tie, a knee-length tartan skirt and brown loafers.  Panty regulations weren’t rigidly enforced at Sylvester, but today Lisa wore a new pair of full-cut green regulation panties.  After all, they would be exposed for the entire school day!

As the Principal had intended, Lisa’s weekend had been brutal, and all the more brutal because Lisa had no real friends to lean on.  It’s not that Lisa was hated, although certainly she was envied, it’s just that most students thought Lisa was unapproachable.  As a sort of hyper-intelligent “teacher’s pet,” they associated her more with the staff than as one of them.  There were other high-performing girls in the school, but they were competitors, all vying for that top “valedictorian” spot along with its special privileges.  So none were really friendly with each other.  Therefore Lisa’s only friends were teachers and staff, but they instantly froze her out when word spread. 

Since the Principal had called her parents, Lisa’s mother called that evening.  An alumni of the school, Lisa’s mother knew exactly what Lisa was in for.  She had starred in a couple “Panty Parades” herself!  Yes, the mother was disappointed, but more philosophical than angry.  “OK, you fell down.  So take your medicine like the real Sylvester Girl that you are.  After that, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself.  That’s the way your school works, and that’s why we sent you there.  Believe me honey, this will be tough, but it will make you a better person.”

That conversation with her mother had been exactly what Lisa needed to hear.  Now she understood that her life wasn’t over!

Surprisingly, the student body was slow to hear of Lisa’s disgrace.  Since nobody had bothered to notice that Lisa had been moping in her room all weekend, nobody had figured out that she was in trouble.  So Monday morning, Lisa herself was the only student to know.  But that would soon change!


Nurse Joan Lane wasn’t entirely comfortable with her role in the punishment of the school’s worst offenders.  The normal paddlings that took place in the Principal’s office were usually witnessed by the school secretary.  But the nurse herself was required to witness the bare bottom spankings that were given at “Punishment Queue.”  In fact, the nurse was involved in the entire process.  Nurse Lane sympathized with the girls and thought that some of their punishments were excessive, but as a staff member she kept her opinions to herself and just did her job.

To this end, Nurse Lane found it best to maintain a professional detachment.  She was businesslike with the girls, nether harsh nor soft.


When Lisa entered the Nurse’s office, one girl was already there.  It was Isabel, a known troublemaker who had been involved in an altercation with another student.  Unlike Lisa who looked quite stricken, Isabel looked merely somber.  She certainly wasn’t looking forward to her coming punishment, but had the advantage of previous experience. 

When she saw Lisa, her eyes grew big, “No joke?  You?  Miss perfect is really in the Panty Parade?”

Lisa studied the floor and sobbed. 

“That will be quite enough!” the nurse scolded.  She consulted her list, “One more to come, and then we’ll start.”

Just then, there was a timid knock at the door.  It was Charleen, a girl not normally in trouble.  Like Lisa, Charleen was nearly in tears.  Wrapped up as Charleen was in her own troubles, she still gawked when she saw Lisa. 

Before Charleen could talk, the nurse interrupted in her most businesslike tone.  “OK girls, that’s everybody on the list and I see that everybody is in proper school uniform.  May I assume that all of you are wearing regulation panties?”

All three girls nodded. 

In that case, remove your skirts and shoes.  Be sure that your skirts have good laundry marks so they don’t get mixed up.  Fold them neatly and then stack them on that corner table.  Pick up your shoes after your spanking.  The skirts remain here until after your last class.       

The nurse watched as the three girls reluctantly obeyed.  That done, she took the girls one-by-one behind a curtain for a quick physical.  She also checked and documented the condition of each bottom, and asked each an embarrassing but necessary question regarding menstrual status.

Naturally Nurse Lane could delay any girl’s spanking for medical reasons.  In that case, it would happen the following Monday.  While it was normal for a girl to plea sickness, she seldom granted it unless the girl was clearly ill.  She wasn’t a mean woman, on the contrary!  She felt that adding weeks of delay simply made a girl’s ordeal worse.  The kindest thing she could do was ensure that each girl received her punishment as soon as possible.       

Her medical chores done, she talked the three girls through the entire “Punishment Queue” ritual.  Finally she looked again at her list, “Fortunately, only one of you has a star by her name.”

Isabel and Charleen looked at each other, each thinking the other person had the dreaded star, which meant a spanking in front of the entire school.  Both were shocked when the nurse continued, “And I’m sorry Lisa, but you already know that’s you.  Try to retain your panties through your spanking.  That will help to restrain your legs so that you show less of yourself to the audience.  However, your bottom must be bare for your return march up the aisle.  So if you have kicked off your panties, simply leave them off.  Otherwise, you may raise them to mid thigh so that you can walk, but no higher.  Understand?”

Tearfully, Lisa nodded.

“After the return march, the four of us return here.  I will check Lisa and then release her for class.  Then I will escort Isabel and Charleen to the Principal’s office for your spankings.  After that, we return here so I can check your bottoms before I send you to class.  Is that clear?”

All three girls soberly nodded. 

As the nurse completed her instructions, Isabel and Charleen remained aghast.  Isabel finally managed to speak, “Lisa, what did you do?  Assassinate a teacher?”

Lisa sobbed her answer, “I cheated on a test.”

Isabel looked at her wide eyed, “But you’re on the Honor Roll.”

“Not any more,” Lisa sobbed. 

Eye on the clock, the nurse interrupted the conversation, “OK girls, check your uniforms and pull your panties nice and smooth.  It’s almost time for us to go.”

After a last quick inspection of her charges, the nurse opened the door and ushered the skirtless girls into the hallway.


Her heart beating fiercely, Lisa accompanied the nurse and her two classmates into the hallway.  To say that walking the hall without shoes and skirt felt funny would be a tremendous understatement!  Thanks to the nurse’s timing, the hall was empty because everybody was at assembly.  She led her three charges to the school’s auditorium.  As usual, the double doors to the auditorium yawned open.   

The assembly was just starting as they arrived.  They stood in the doorway as the meeting ground along.  The doors were at the rear, so only the Principal saw them standing there.  Few students dared turn to look.  One brave soul did, and was shocked to see Lisa among those awaiting punishment.  Although talking during assembly was strictly forbidden, the news somehow buzzed through the student body at the speed of light. 

First the invocation, then the Principal’s opening remarks, followed by the school song, and then the Principal droned through several announcements.  The art teacher came forward to discuss a special project, and then the Principal took the mike again to harangue the students about schoolyard litter.  Finally it was time for the Panty Parade.  As always, the Principal used the official name, “Unfortunately we have three students for Punishment Queue today.  Nurse Lane, kindly send them forward.

Lisa’s breakfast twisted in her belly!  She sweated and gasped from nervousness and tension.  According to strict protocol, the nurse released the girls singly to slowly parade down the central aisle of the auditorium, displaying the panties that would be exposed all day.  When the first girl reached the front and turned left to march to the little stairway that led to the stage, the nurse released the next girl.  She held Lisa until last, and then tapped her on the shoulder to order her to march.  When Lisa first stepped out, she stumbled.  But then she squared her shoulders and forced her feet to make the humiliating journey down the central aisle, to the left, and then up on the stage to line up with her partners-in-crime.  Unobtrusively the nurse climbed the stage, remaining at the sideline.

The Principal pulled his lectern aside so the girls would have no place to hide.  First he called Isabel to meet him at center stage.  The Principal explained, “Isabel has been involved in an altercation with another student.  That other student has been paddled, and I believe has learned her lesson, but this is Isabel’s second offence, so she will be spanked bare-bottom in my office immediately after assembly.  Like the others, she will remain skirtless until class is over.

A key part of the ritual, Isabel took the microphone to confess and apologize for her conduct and to promise it wouldn’t happen again.

He sent Isabel back to the queue, and then repeated the process with Charleen, who had been caught  in the schoolyard red-handed with a cigarette.  Then he sent Charleen back to stand with Isabel and Lisa.

“It especially saddens me to present the final member of today’s Punishment Queue” he intoned in a heavy voice.  Her offense is especially reprehensible because she has committed an honor violation.  Therefore, in recognition that honor violations reflect dishonor on the entire school, and also to serve as a warning to others, she will be punished here at assembly.”

Shocked gasps escaped from the mouths of hundreds of students!  It wasn’t unusual for troublemakers to be spanked at assembly, but never somebody like Lisa!.         

The principal motioned Lisa to join him at center stage.  It was like an out-of-body experience as Lisa automatically obeyed. 

Ignoring Lisa, the man launched into a diatribe on cheating.  “Any cheater”, he said, “cheats everyone”.  By chipping away at the academic integrity of Sylvester School, Lisa had cheapened the value of a Sylvester diploma for all other students, past and present!  “This cannot be tolerated.”

Finally he finished.  In accordance with the generations-old Sylvester penance ritual, Lisa took the mike.  She choked, but then rallied herself.  Clear-voiced, offering no excuses, she confessed creating and using a cheat sheet on an exam.  She apologized to the entire school and promised to never cheat again.

And then she did exactly what a Sylvester girl should do in this situation: She squared her shoulders and straightened herself before turning to the Principal to intone, “I’m ready for my punishment sir”.     

The Principal actually rewarded her with a half smile, “Well done Lisa.”  He pointed out a chair at the stage wing.  “Bring that chair to stage center.”


What was to follow would never be allowed in any coeducational school, but Sylvester had been all-girl since its establishment over sixty years ago.  The staff was overwhelmingly female.  The few male staff, like the Principal himself, were mature married men of impeccable character.  So what was to happen shouldn’t be considered at all unseemly.    

The “Punishment Queue” and it’s related rituals date back to the school’s beginning, and had survived virtually unchanged.  This character-building tradition was part of the heart and soul of Sylvester Girl’s Academy, a reason why generations of parents keep sending their daughters.

The nurse’s instructions had been well meant, but were redundant.  Any Sylvester girl would know exactly what to do.   Lisa was no exception.


Lisa dragged the chair to the front and center of the stage.  As required, she turned it sideways so her bottom would face the audience.  With great dignity, the Principal sat.  Automatically, she placed herself at his right thigh, her back to the crowd.  The auditorium became deathly quiet.

He intoned, “Lisa, you may prepare yourself.”

Obedient to Sylvester Girl’s Academy tradition, Lisa’s hands immediately went to her panties.  With a pretty blush, she lowered them below her kneecaps.  As she laid across the Principal’s lap, she obligingly lifted the tail of her school top.  That left Lisa exposed from just below her bra strap down to the elastic of her ankle-length socks.   

Lisa wasn’t thinking about it at the time, but she had just passed a test.  By remaining dignified through this humiliating ritual, she had upheld the best traditions of a Sylvester girl.

Just because Lisa was known as the school egghead and as a “goody goody” didn’t mean that she was plain.  The rear view of her body was sufficient evidence to show that Lisa was gifted with far more than just brains!  Her slim but flowering body bulged and flared in all the correct places.  Her twin mounds stood tall, unblemished, and ready.  The dimple in her right buttock only served to accentuate her bottom’s perfection.

Laying across her principal’s lap, Lisa belatedly remembered the nurse’s advice about retaining her panties.  Unfortunately they were already at her ankles.  In hopes of retaining that suddenly precious garment, Lisa spread her legs slightly and flexed her ankles to hold them in place.

The Principal addressed Isabel and Charleen, speaking loudly enough to be heard by all, “Watch closely you two, because you’re due the same treatment in my office immediately after Assembly.

Lisa heard them answer together, “Yes sir.”

Then the Principle raised his hand high.

The first four swats, two to each buttock, were devastating.

Lisa bit her lip to remain quiet, but that didn’t stop the tears.   

The Principal paused.  The audience could clearly see overlapping handprints staining each of Lisa’s previously pristine buttocks.  With a supreme effort, Lisa fought the sting, and kept herself from squirming.

“Tell us why you’re being punished, say it loud!”

Lisa swallowed, but then answered in a clear loud voice, “Because I cheated on a test.  I’m sorry!  I’ll never cheat again.”

The Principal’s intention had been to add an extra bit of humiliation, but all he accomplished was to give Lisa credibility with her sister students.  Her clear answer had proved that she wasn’t yet crying.  Suddenly it occurred to many of the students, “She’s taking her punishment rather well, like a real Sylvester girl!”   Unknown to the Principal, who would never totally understand the underground culture of his student body, Lisa had just passed her second test.    

Unlikely as it may seem, temporarily what was good for the Principal was also good for Lisa.  You see, the Principal wanted Lisa’s spanking to seem as terrible as possible to the assembled students, but he needed to do it without injuring Lisa.  So after those first four “scorchers” he switched to a limp-wristed spank that made an impressive clapping noise as he hit Lisa’s rump, but imparted only a moderate surface sting.  This allowed him to safely prolong Lisa’s punishment at the same time that he warmed her bottom for the more severe spanks to follow.  

Lisa had a totally different imperative, and those moderate spanks helped.  She knew that nobody could hold out against the Principal’s efforts forever.   Like any human being, eventually she would capitulate.  Eventually she would surrender herself to the punishment, she would bawl, shriek, buck and kick.  But by the Sylvester girl’s unofficial code, it was important for her to hold out.  She must accept her punishment bravely and silently for as long as possible.  With so many students watching, seconds count!

So Lisa rode it out as long as she could.  To distract herself, she bit her lip, she pinched her hands together painfully, she concentrated on retaining those panties.  Her bottom turned pink, and then rosy.  It was well on its way to bright red before the sting finally burned through Lisa’s reserve.

At the side of the stage, Isabel and Charleen watched with trepidation.  They were in for the same as what Lisa was receiving, but were both thankful that their punishment would be in private.  Neither was sure that they could hold out as long as Lisa!         

Without realizing it, Lisa, began to squirm as sting built upon sting.  Finally the first audible sob escaped from deep in her throat.  From there it was all downhill.  But Lisa had held out long enough!  Her credibility as a real “Sylvester girl” had been solidly established with the student body.  Just when she needed them most, she had gained a chance to win friends and respect.

Before it was over, poor Lisa was in full voice, screeching, kicking and struggling as the Principal applied the last few full-strength spanks to her bottom.  By then, her panties were long-gone, as was the last vestiges of her modesty.      


With surprising gentleness, the Principal helped the stricken girl to her feet.   Her spanking had  seemed like an eternity.  Knowing well that Lisa wasn’t the only student in the room to have ever used a cheat sheet, he wanted to make the biggest impression.  So he allowed the still-bawling girl to hop around the stage and rub her inflamed buttocks to her heart’s content.

Finally, tears still streaming down her cheeks and her face a slimy mess, Lisa gained a bit of self-control.  Immediately she went to the Principal and held out her hand, “Thank you sir.” 

Gravely, the man took her hand and shook it, “You took that very well Lisa.  I hope to never repeat it.”

From the student body came scattered applause.  The Principal frowned, stopping the noise. But Lisa had received the message.  Her redemption was underway.             

The nurse retrieved Lisa’s panties and then herded her three charges down from the stage.  Then she supervised the reverse of their earlier parade.  Each girl marched slowly up the center aisle, first Isabel, then Charleen, and finally the bare-bottomed Lisa.  In accordance with Sylvester tradition, Lisa raised the hem of her top to display her entire livid bottom.  

Back in the nurse’s office it took only moments for her to document the condition of Lisa’s bottom.  The Principal was an expert spanker, so what she wrote on the chart was almost always the same, “Vivid red buttocks and upper thighs.  Possible mild bruising.  No broken skin.”

The nurse helped Lisa on with her panties and then returned her shoes.  She would now send Lisa back to class, and then deliver Isabel and Charleen to the Principal’s office, where she would witness their spankings.  With their spankings imminent, Isabel was sober looking, but Charleen’s eyes glistened with tears.  Lisa hugged them both before she left. 

The rest of Lisa’s day had its share of humiliations, but nothing compared to what had already happened.  Yes, she attended class with her panties on full display.  Since everybody had already seen her without them, that added little extra humiliation.   Yes, everyone could see her red bottom shining through her panties.  And if they missed that, her spanked thighs were on full display.  But again, everyone had witnessed her spanking, so that was old news.

Sitting with her spanked bottom protected only by her panties was painful, but her uniform skirt would have added negligible padding. On the plus side, Lisa wasn’t the only girl without her skirt that day, there was also Isabel and Charleen, who had endured and survived their own spankings. 

The three spanked girls sat together at lunch that afternoon, and departed friends.

After school, Lisa claimed her skirt.  Strangely, after all day in panties, wearing the skirt felt strange! 


That day, Matron had moved Lisa’s things into the dorm.  Another girl, the one formerly number two on the honor roll, moved into the private “Valedictorian” bedroom.  Lisa congratulated her. 

During the day, it gradually became clear to Lisa that she had become something of a celebrity among the students.  “You’re a real Sylvester girl” was the most common praise that she heard.

That evening, several of the girls shyly asked to see her bottom.  Lisa happily complied.  She also compared bottoms with Isabel and Charleen.  They decided that the damage was so similar that there was no contest. 

Over the coming weeks, Lisa discovered that she preferred the feminine bedlam of the dorm to the privileged ivory tower solitude of her former private room.  More importantly, she had a circle of friends for the first time ever.  She even got into mischief with friends once, and was among three paddled in the Principal’s office.

Barred from the honor roll, Lisa discovered a talent for tutoring.  Soon, to Lisa’s huge satisfaction, two of her “pupils” were newly on the honor roll and on the rise.  Teaching things to others actually helped Lisa’s learning process, so her own grades soared back to the top of her class, albeit not the honor roll.  Still she paid little attention to those girls who forever vied to occupy the valedictorian’s spot.  If they wanted it, they could have it!

Lisa’s mother had been right.  Her school had provided a way for her to redeem herself.  In her new-found friends, Lisa had found her redemption.

Author's Note: This story took 1st place in the 2015 Library of Spanking Fiction "Cheaters" story contest.

© Guyspencer 2015


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